About Treeherder
Treeherder is a reporting dashboard for code submitted to Mozilla projects (such as the mozilla-central repository) that allows users to see the results of automatic builds and their respective tests. Treeherder also provides a set of APIs that can be used by other projects. It hosts smaller dashboards such as Perfherder, used for tracking performance data, and Intermittent Failures View, which is used to track intermittent test failures. The website can be found here.
Who Works on Treeherder?
Treeherder is composed of a small team that is distributed across the UK and the west coast of the US.
How Do I Get Started?
Select a bug in Bugzilla (we do not keep track of issues in Github, only in Bugzilla) that you'd like to work on. You may need to create a new account. Comment in the bug or issue stating that you'd like to work on it. Please do as much research on your own first, including looking at existing bug comments and source code, before asking questions. Then follow the instructions in the Getting Started section of the Treeherder docs to clone the Github repo and set up your local development environment.
How Do I Write the Code?
Once you have created your patch, submit a pull request with a commit message containing the bug number that you were assigned along with a description and summary of the change (example, Bug 123456 - Add breadcrumb component to clarify where users are in the app). This ensures an attachment with your patch is added to the bug in Bugzilla and your changes are clearly outlined in the Git log. Your code will need to be reviewed by one of the team members before it is merged.
How Do I Get Help?
You can ask for help in the Matrix channel #treeherder:mozilla.org
or ask a question in the bug you'd like to work on.