
About Taskcluster

Taskcluster is a distributed platform for executing tasks, such as running tests. Every day, it runs hundreds of thousands of tasks to support Firefox and lots of other projects at Mozilla. It is written in Javascript and Go and has lots of opportunities to help out.

You can learn a bit about Taskcluster in its documentation.

Who Works on Taskcluster?

Many of the project participants, past and present, are listed on our people page. The team assigned to work on Taskcluster at Mozilla is about 10 people, distributed around Europe, North America, and South America. You will likely see the names of team members listed as mentors in the bugs and issues on this site. We are always excited to meet new Mozillians!

How Do I Get Started?

If you are working on a bug (in Bugzilla), you may need to create a new account. If you are working on an issue (in Github), you will need a Github account.

Comment in the bug or issue to say that you are working on it, and ask any questions that you have at that time. But do your research! Look the other comments, look at the documentation and source code, and try to figure out as much as you can first. This helps you learn more about Taskcluster and understand better the bug you're fixing or feature you're adding.

How Do I Write the Code?

All of the Taskcluster code is in Github repositories in the taskcluster organization, and most of it is in the taskcluster repository. To get started, fork that repository on GitHub, then clone the resulting forked repository to your computer. Before you change anything, run the tests to make sure everything is working. The repository's README file will describe how to set up and run tests.

From there, follow the Github pull-request process: make your changes on a topic branch, and then create a pull request from that branch. The Internet is full of guides for this process, and of course we are happy to help as well.

How Do I Get Help?

The best place to talk about a bug or issue is in the comments. Don't be afraid to ask questions or describe how you are solving the problem. That way, anyone watching the bug can answer your questions or offer useful advice. Each bug has a mentor, and that person will usually be the one to reply.

We are also available on matrix.io in the #taskcluster channel in the mozilla.org community. That's a great place to get quick help or work through issues with Git or Node.