Common Voice Sentence Scraper

About Common Voice Sentence Scraper

With the Sentence Scraper we are automatically extracting new sentences to upload to Sources include Wikipedia and could be extended to more sources. These new sentences can then be recorded by other contributors on

How Do I Get Started?

Comment in the bug or issue to say that you are working on it, and ask any questions that you have at that time.

How Do I Write the Code?

The repository's README file will describe how to set up your local environment. From there, follow the Github pull-request process: make a fork of the repository, make your changes on a branch, and then create a pull request from that branch. The Internet is full of guides for this process, and of course we are happy to help as well.

How Do I Get Help?

The best place to talk about a bug or issue is in the comments. Don't be afraid to ask questions or describe how you are solving the problem. That way, anyone watching the bug can answer your questions or offer useful advice.